Run America, LLC was made by runners for you to search and review races.
Nonprofits listen up! Run America is your event platform too! With Generation 3, Gen3 Groups can share the Run America Mobile App with their supporters to build a “forever giving” sponsorship residual! To get started simply setup your Group, then have each Group member (YOUR supporters) select the Group in their Account Profile. After that each and every event registration completed through the Run America Mobile App will add to the Groups quarterly Sponsorship… Donation… Benefit! Keep track of your teams progress while enticing others to join through the Group Referral Activity Dashboard*. Add Groups to our ever popular Custom Event URL*, now with (resalable) Sponsorship logos in Gen3, and watch your event benefit skyrocket!Make no mistake, Run America caters to its users, now benefactors, with its introduction of Gen3, further patronizing the events and causes we all love to support!Truth be told. Run America is The Place to Refine, Register and Record your Events! Its your one-stop shop for all races from 1 Mile through to Marathons and Ultras! With Gen3 we now cater to Multisport, Novelty and Virtual events too! Built by runners for those that like to move their feet (often in support of a cause) you can search/set your event preferences or simply browse for any event type to scratch that running itch!Having trouble deciding between more than one event? Run America allows you to review, firsthand feedback from those that have experienced a given event. Be the first to share your thoughts on an event’s area, terrain, amenities, gear or lack thereof? Run America is “the” source of running truth so remember to be candid!Before you start Running America keep our simple goal in mind. We are here to bridge the gap between our users and the millions of “running” events (99% of which are underpinned by deserving nonprofit) out there. Be sure to use Run America to share an event through all available messaging channels like Facebook, Instagram, email, text, etc, allowing those interested to benefit from your experience!Whether you are a race director, promoter, timer or running enthusiast be sure to check out Run America* today to learn how we bring events and their supporters together today and tomorrow!!!*Accessible through only.Known Bug Fixes